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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Subject: Buyer says: "This was the most fun I've had spending money online"
Subject: They're buying for the "fun of it" ! BETTER than Firesales (must read)
Subject Lines: Breathe New Life into Lackluster Sales
Subject: Get TONS More Buyers with "Roller Coaster Pricing"
Subject: Buyer Says She Bought, Just for the "Fun of the Sale"

You aren't going to believe this, but since Todd Gross
and I have been experimenting with a new "better-than-firesale"
price scheme, buyers are actually reporting that they are
purchasing products for the "fun of it"!


Here's just one quote:

"I just wanted to thank you for making this fun. That was the most fun
I've had spending money online!" - Gloria H.

What is it all about? Well, with firesales, buyers are "intimidated" into
buying products, and become resentful almost immediately after the price starts
to rise.

But let me ask you this..

If I told you that you can buy this very "Roller Coaster Sale" product, where the price goes
up AND down, NOT just up, and bottoms out at an extremely low cost, would you be interested?

And what if I told you if you don't like the price you see at first, you could shoot for an even lower
price by just hitting refresh? Would you be a bit curious?

Go ahead, try it for yourself, grab this "Roller Coaster Pricing" script with added features as a
ridiculously low cost, IF you try hard enough. Go have some fun...


Use it wisely..


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